Sisters' Stories: Working through the mental health crisis

The Lotus Flower works continually to provide mental health support for displaced women and girls – but as you can imagine, there’s so much more to do if we are to reach all of those in need.

Not only are the women and girls we support still traumatised following years of conflict, but the pandemic has caused a huge spike in conditions such as anxiety and depression. Many women have lost their main sources of income and are struggling to provide for their families, and there’s also been a significant rise in gender-based violence and abuse in refugee and IDP communities. Life in camp can also feel very isolating – especially when so many women and girls have no idea when they will be able to safely return home.

Thanks to support from our partners, including Zarok, our psychologists are working flat-out to provide safe, confidential therapy to women identified as being in most critical need, and thankfully it is bringing results. As part of our regular ‘Sisters’ Stories’ series, we thought we’d share a couple of accounts from women we’ve recently been able to reach…

Mrs M*, Rwanga camp

‘After my husband passed away, I became very depressed and always thought of him. I also suffered from anxiety because of our hard living situation. As a result, I was not sleeping well, had a poor appetite, constant headaches, pains in my body and difficulty concentrating. I was overthinking things and in a bad mood most of the time.

‘When I first sought therapy from the Lotus Flower psychologist, I had very little energy and even less hope that I would ever recover. But as the sessions continued, I began to feel better. Talking about my problems with a therapist really helped me, and now my symptoms are mostly gone. I have a much better quality of life than before, and feel much happier. It means I can now carry out daily life activities like anyone else, and I know how to deal with problems I might face in the future. Having more control over my mental health has really helped me.’

Mrs F*, Domiz 2 camp

‘I am happily married, but big arguments with my husband’s family left me feeling desperate. It would cause arguments with my husband too, and I didn’t know how to communicate with him or his family. It left me feeling constantly unhappy and stressed, and I would cry a lot. Comparing my life to other people’s also made me even more miserable. I thought there was no way out, but then I began having therapy with a psychologist at the Lotus Flower centre. Over the next few months, I learned how to communicate better, as well as coping and problem-solving skills. Now I’m far happier with my life and my mood has elevated so much. It has helped take away all of the pressure I was feeling before.’

* Names and identities have been changed to protect the women’s confidentiality


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