Our Boxing Sisters are raising money - and they need YOUR help!

The Lotus Flower is taking part in 'Race The Thames Virtual 2022' – with our team of girls on the ground in Kurdistan boxing instead of rowing!

Throughout the Race the Thames event between 24-31 January 2022, our team of six girls will be boxing and completing drills for two hours every day - so please support them and donate whatever you can afford!

As many of you will know, our Boxing Sisters project is a key part of our holistic programming for young female conflict survivors. Boxing has been shown to improve their mental and physical wellbeing, foster self-confidence and enable strong friendships to form. And of course, it's important for young women to learn skills in self-defence.

Many of the girls supported by the Lotus Flower have been through unimaginable trauma following years of war and conflict, and life as a teenager in a refugee or IDP camp is unbelievably tough. We believe that our Boxing Sisters programme is a vital part of the jigsaw when it comes to helping them heal, grow and connect with each other.

Our team is made up of Salwa, Nabila, Ansar, Suad, Faiza and Sadir - and it would mean everything to them - and to us - if you could donate. Even a few pounds will help make a difference! You can donate here - and do spread the word.

Race The Thames is the annual fundraising event run by London Youth Rowing (LYR). The money we raise will be split jointly between LYR and ourselves, so you'll not only be supporting our work with vulnerable women and girls, but also LYR's programmes, which allow young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to take part in rowing and fulfil their potential. 

The Lotus Flower is a restricted fund operating under the auspices of Prism the Gift Fund, Registered Charity Number: 1099682

You can watch the Boxing Sisters in training below:


Sisters' Stories: Working through the mental health crisis


Sisters' Stories: Our Girls’ Hygiene workshops tackle menstrual taboos