Watch our Peace Sisters explain UN Resolution 1325

We were so proud to see our Peace Sisters put together a new video which explains what UN Resolution 1325 is – and how it impacts on women and girls in peacebuilding and mediation efforts.

As you can see in the video below, UN Resolution was issued in 2000 to try and put an end to violations against women during and after armed conflicts and wars.

The Resolution decreed that women should be protected against any abuses of their rights and that they should be enabled to have full participation in decision-making processes that shape their lives.

Watch the video below to see our Peace Sisters explain it…

The video was made as part of our Peace Sisters project which is funded by FCDO in partnership with Cordaid and its Women Voices First programme. The programme has seen the group trained in mediation and conflict resolution, leadership and critical thinking, as well as confidence-building skills and advocacy for women’s rights. It’s also one of our first projects to focus on out-of-camp locations, where there is known to be huge unmet need, as well as divisions across communities.

We’re so proud of the phenomenal work the Sisters are continuing to deliver….


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