Our Peace Sisters lead workshop for religious leaders

A group of our Peace Sisters have shown how much progress they have made during the project by delivering a recent workshop for influential religious leaders.

Although such a move might have been considered impossible in times gone by due to strict societal norms restricting women’s involvement in public life, the participants led a session which stressed the importance of religious messaging in eliminating violence against women and girls.

The workshop in Zakho district was attended by many representatives from different religions, including mullahs and priests, and resulted in useful discussions on the need for leaders to advocate for women's rights and non-violence.

This particular round of Peace Sisters is funded by FCDO in partnership with Cordaid and its Women Voices First programme, and has seen the group trained in mediation and conflict resolution, leadership and critical thinking, as well as confidence-building skills and advocacy for women’s rights. It’s also one of the first projects to see us focus on out-of-camp locations, where there is known to be huge unmet need, as well as deep-rooted divisions across different communities. 

Fully supported by the Lotus Flower, the Peace Sisters chose to implement the workshop themselves as one of a number of community initiatives they are delivering in Zakho and Al-Hamdaniya before the project concludes. The initiatives are all designed to promote gender equality and enhance social cohesion and peacebuilding, while focusing on the important role that women and girls can play in decision-making processes.

We’re so proud of the Sisters’ phenomenal achievements so far, and the way they have worked so hard on the project goals…



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