The findings of our post-Covid 19 needs assessment

In May this year, our team conducted a needs assessment to identify the true impacts of Covid-19 on the vulnerable populations we support. We recently published the findings from the report, which included the following results:

·       A 50% increase in reported cases of gender-based violence among respondents, including verbal, physical and financial violence.

·       82% of respondents reported psychological problems related to the pandemic, with anxiety disorders being especially prevalent.

·       97% of respondents reported being financially affected, with 151 individuals saying that they had to sell their car or furniture to cope.

·       398 respondents reported losing their primary source of income.

·       793 respondents noted increased levels of debt.

·       48 respondents reported the loss of a small business.

The assessment was conducted as part of our three-year project with UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, which included mass awareness-raising of gender-based violence and mental health support and case management services for victims. It also delivered women’s small business training, enabling beneficiaries to earn incomes for themselves and become community leaders

You can read the report in full here.


The shock rise in violence against women and girls in England and Wales


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