Our livelihoods and mental health project with IF Foundation gets underway

We’re so pleased to have begun a major new project in partnership with If! Foundation, focusing on economic empowerment for displaced and vulnerable women, as well as mental health support and awareness of gender-based violence and gender equality.

Our ‘Women’s Business Incubator & Mental Health Support’ project is taking place over three years in camps as well as host communities across Duhok, and will also include a research component to provide insights on rising cases of youth suicide and severe mental health disorders, the effectiveness of prevention strategies and gaps in support.

Building on the success of our existing, award-winning Women’s Business Incubator, the project will deliver livelihoods training and financial grants for 120 women over three years, enabling them to start their own sustainable small businesses.

Young women and men who have experienced trauma will also receive mental health and suicide prevention support, and take part in creative therapies. Older women with chronic illnesses and disabilities will benefit from psychological and holistic therapy such as yoga and meditation, while awareness-raising of GBV and protection issues will reach thousands in the community.

To mark the start of the project, we have spent the past few weeks focusing on building and developing the capacity of project staff, who will deliver mental health services including individual and group mental health support, plus art and music therapy and awareness-raising. 

The training has covered a range of topics, including specialised sessions for the psychologists in aspects such as case identification and referrals, psychological first aid, professionalism at work, report writing, PSEA, code of conduct, safeguarding and protection principles, counselling skills, case diagnosis and NET therapy. Such intensive training helps us ensure high quality and ethical service delivery for vulnerable people.

It’s been a busy time, as you can see, and we’re so excited to be up and running with this much-needed intervention. We’ll certainly keep you updated on our progress over the coming months!


Meet Our Admin Assistant Shang: "I’m always excited to go to work"


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