Sisters’ Stories: ‘Mediation can be the ultimate solution to conflict’ – Peace Sister Mariam

A new round of our Peace Sisters project is well underway now, with 50 women and girls currently taking part in training in mediation and conflict resolution.

The project is supported by Cordaid’s Women Voices First programme and UK in Iraq, and is reaching women and girls in out-of-camp locations within Zakho and Al-Hamdaniya communities.

So far, the training has included two-day workshops on the UN’s landmark Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security, which recognises the disproportionate and unique impact of conflict on women and girls.

One of the participants is 20-year-old Mariam, a student who lives in Zakho. She says: “The project really got my attention and when I was informed that I had been accepted, I was very happy!”

Mariam says she has already learned a great deal during the sessions, adding: “I’ve learned that the solution for conflict is not force or creating more conflict – mediation can be the ultimate solution. I am also now more open to accepting different opinions, new faces and the new world we live in. Now I understand that we as women are capable of anything, any time.

“In our communities, women are mainly housewives and mothers, and most don’t have many opportunities to participate in activities. For me this is totally wrong, as I strongly believe that women are talented and can do so much more. Skills like mediation and conflict resolution can offer women a brighter future.”

Mariam is enjoying the project so far

This current iteration of our Peace Sisters project is especially significant as it is focusing on the outside-camp locations of Zakho and Al Hamdaniya. This matters because a recent needs overview from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) stated that displaced people outside camps are most vulnerable.

As well as training in mediation and conflict resolution, the project promotes women’s participation in leadership and decision-making to enhance peacebuilding and social cohesion, and also covers human rights awareness and the prevention of gender-based violence. Additionally, the Peace Sisters will receive training in critical thinking, leadership and advocacy, and they will lead workshops to bring together women activists and local leaders. When the training concludes, the Sisters will then select their own community initiatives to be implemented, with our support.


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