Watch the Lotus Flower in the World Justice Challenge Final Showcase

We were thrilled recently to have been chosen as a finalist in the #WJChallenge 2021: Advancing the Rule of Law in a Time of Crisis competition – and now you can support us in the final stage.

The Lotus Flower will be taking part in a big showcase at 2pm GMT (9am ET) on Wednesday 31st March, and we’d love for you to join us. The #WJChallenge Finalists Regional Showcase is brought to us by @TheWJP and @Mo_IbrahimFdn, and we’ll be presenting our project, Supporting Survivors – Women’s Rights, and then taking questions in a breakout room.

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We are one of 30 organisations chosen from a pool of 425 submissions from 114 countries, and like all the other finalists, we were selected for demonstrating impact in advancing the rule of law during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Challenge is part of a global mission to "build back better" from the challenges brought by the pandemic, and Wednesday’s showcase focuses on countries in Africa and the Middle East.

All of the selected changemakers are working to protect and progress the rule of law in the face of the virus, and we’re among incredible company in the final line-up. You can read about our project – and all of the other finalists – on the World Justice Challenge homepage – or here.

Our project has been designed to increase remote and online support for survivors, since the Covid crisis has made our usual programming and face-to-face support so much more difficult. Our work is more important than ever, because the pandemic has brought a huge rise in violence and sexual abuse against women and girls, and we’ve seen an alarming increase in mental health issues, too.

Please support us and watch the showcase here if you can – we hope to see you on Wednesday!





We're hiring: Project Officer


Tackling Sexual Exploitation and Abuse during the pandemic