Sisters' Stories: Children with special needs thrive with Hansa’s help

As part of our regular ‘Sisters’ Stories’ series, we enjoy sharing the stories and triumphs of many of the women and girls we support.

Originally from Syria, Hansa is a refugee who arrived at Domiz 2 camp three years ago, along with her husband and son, who has special needs.

While living in Syria, Hansa used to make all kinds of crafts and accessories which she sold to generate an income for her family, and pay for treatment for her young son. After arriving at the camp, she longed for the opportunity to continue those skills, but there were no systems in place to allow her to do so.

Eventually, after hearing about the Lotus Flower centre, she received an opportunity to become a trainer, teaching others how to make simple accessories. Hansa now works specifically with children with special needs in the centre, and says: “Not only can they learn these new skills, but they can also make friends and enjoy some time outside of their houses. The classes make the children feel much more included and better integrated.”

Hansa’s own experiences with her son mean she is very well equipped to teach those with special needs, and she adds: “I know and understand their needs, and can give them the same care and attention that I give my son. I enjoy this work so much, and my son also loves meeting other young people in the group. I’m proud to support refugees with special needs in a safe environment, and will hopefully be able to continue this job for the rest of my life.

“Usually, people with special needs in camps are just stuck at home with little to do. They are often deprived of educational opportunities and other social activities, so these sorts of projects provided by the Lotus Flower make a real difference to their lives.”



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