A close-up on our 16 Days Of Activism campaign activities

It’s one of the most significant times of year for all those working to end violence against women, so our 16 Days of Activism campaign has been keeping us very busy!

We launched this emergency appeal last week to raise badly-need funds so we can continue supporting women and girls through what the UN has called a ‘shadow pandemic’ of violence. Vulnerable refugees and IDP populations have been left especially at risk of violent acts and sexual assault during Covid-19, with lockdowns leaving many women and girls unable to shield themselves from abuse, as well as cut adrift from essential support mechanisms.

As well as raising money for our cause, we’ve been running a major awareness campaign within the camps where we work. This has included all kinds of sessions aimed at eliminating GBV – with topics including financial violence, plus emotional and mental abuse.

And as part of our men and boys’ trauma project, an all-male group joined together for a day of debate around the prevention of gender-based violence. As well as discussing ways of reducing GBV against women, they used art and painting skills to express themselves, and learned English words to understand more about the different types of violence. The group also enjoyed music sessions as part of their collaborative efforts.

In addition to raising awareness and focusing on the more serious discussions, we’ve been celebrating many courageous women and girls who have gone to extraordinary lengths to support and empower other females around them. Meanwhile, our Peace Sisters have also been teaching women self-defence and boxing skills. Alongside specialist trainers, the sessions have been taking place at Rwanga camp and in our women’s centre in Duhok city, with those participating receiving certificates at the end.

This campaign has been incredibly productive and rewarding for everyone involved so far – and what’s more, there’s still plenty of time for you to support us!

Do hit the button below and donate to our urgent cause if you can…


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16 Days of Activism: Back our urgent new appeal