We've won the PILnet Global Partnership Award

Around four years ago, we started out on the long road to try and bring ISIS fighters to justice and deliver compensation to Yazidi victims of slavery, rape and assault.

Since then, we’ve been working in conjunction with Hogan Lovells, the Global Survivors Fund and teams of international lawyers on this ambitious project - and we’re delighted to report that we’ve won an award for our joint efforts.

Our initiative, called ‘Accountability for Yazidi Survivors of Atrocities by Da’esh’ has scooped the PILnet Global Partnership Award, which recognises the best innovative pro bono legal project undertaken as a cross-sectoral collaboration, with impact felt in more than one country. 

As partners, we have been working at both domestic and international level to obtain long-overdue reparations for Yazidi survivors of sexual violence during the 2014 atrocities. Having identified the captor of five women as a foreign fighter who was an Australian national, we took the case through the courts in Australia and are now advocating for reparations at international level. The mission has involved 100 Hogan Lovells’  lawyers from five different countries, and if we succeed, the outcome could dramatically change the way victims of sexual violence are compensated around the world.

Watch our video about the project here:


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