Hairdressing Sisters: The Lotus Flower's New Livelihood programme!

Hairdressing Sisters is a new income generating project for The Lotus Flower, which supports women and girls in Kurdistan, Northern Iraq following years of conflict, displacement and sexual violence.


After an assessment with the women, we had a great response from many who said they'd most like to learn hairdressing, because it will allow them to earn an income – anywhere, and for life.

Gareth Smith, a London-based stylist to celebrities, will be traveling to our women's centres to conduct intensive training on the basics of cutting and styling hair.


Gareth and The Lotus Flower are currently fundraising to cover the equipment costs and logistics in order to implement this new livelihood training programme. Once the women graduate from the course, they will have the skills necessary to provide this service to other residents and improve their financial independence.

We would greatly appreciate any donation to help bring this new initiative to our centres!